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Required Diocesan Forms
Per each child attending any parish / diocesan youth event annually beginning anytime after May 31st.
Form A — Annual Youth Ministry Parental Liability Waiver, Permission and Medical Information
Must be filled out per each parish / diocesan event that the teenager is attending.
Form B — Consent to Participate, Code of Conduct, and Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment

Click to Donate to the Scholarship Fund
Youth Night is our Large Group night of Faith Formation for grades 6-12. Sessions are Sunday evenings from early September through April. We observe the CFBISD and LISD school year holidays for calendar planning. Throughout the year, the youth will have engaging opportunities to learn more about our great faith tradition, encounter Christ in prayer and through the Sacraments, and put their faith into practice in helping others around is through service opportunities. This all takes place while surrounded by others on this journey together.
Confirmation Registration – Spring In the Diocese of Fort Worth, Confirmation takes place Sophomore year, or later (age 15). At St. Catherine, it is the norm for a youth to be involved in Faith Formation (Youth Night) for at least two years prior to being Confirmed, with preparation for Confirmation taking place during the last portion of the second year.
Along with Youth Night during the Sophomore year (grade 10) or later, there will be an orientation and a retreat in the fall, along with Confirmation prep sessions on select Wednesdays in the Spring from 7:00 -8:30 pm. For more information go to St Catherine of Siena – Worship & Sacraments – Confirmation.
Early registration is June 15 to August 15. Early registration tuition is $80 per child with a $200 maximum. Early registration tuition will apply to forms that are fully completed and received in the office by the due date. Registration after August 15 tuition is $100 per child with a $250 maximum. Payment is not due before classes begin. Catechists receive a fee discount for Elementary Family Formation, Middle School catechists, and High School faith coaches. For these volunteers the fee is $50 per child with a maximum of $150. Volunteer discounts, scholarships, payment plans, and full and partial financial aid are available. Please contact the office for more information.
No one is denied participation in Youth Ministry activities here at St. Catherine due to cost. If there is any need to spread out payments or even reduced payments, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Tuition Fees – Tuition is due by November 1st | ||
*Early registration thru August 15th | $80 per child | Family maximum – $200 |
*Registration after August 15th | $100 per child | Family maximum – $250 |
*Catechist/volunteer discount | $50 per child | Family maximum – $150 |
Click here to make a payment with credit card on Faith Direct. |
Calendar – Download our 2024-2025 Youth Calendar and get all of our session dates on your family calendar!

Adult Volunteers
We are truly blessed by many stepping up to help be present and help walk with and guide our youth in their faith. We also love hanging out with each other at various times throughout the year whether it be planning something youth oriented or even during the event, or just hanging out together at other times. There are many different areas in which you can help. Please contact us, and we’ll take some time to discern which areas the Lord might be leading you into service to our young people.
Form D — Adult Liability Waiver, Medical Release and Promotional Release Form

Youth Volunteer Opportunities
Dallas Ramps
Throughout the year, we have organized opportunities to help make the outside world accessible to folks who are homebound by helping the Dallas Ramps Project. These occur on Saturdays from 7am until usually 2pm. Both youth and adults are needed, and space is very limited per Saturday. Registration opens usually about a month before the scheduled project.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Vincent de Paul is an outreach ministry that focuses on helping one person at a time. There are many ways in which youth can help from helping to keep the food pantry organized to learning how to go visit, talk, and pray with individuals with other adults present. To learn more, be a guest at our meetings. We meet the second and third Thursday of the month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Siena Hall at St. Catherine of Siena Parish.
Faith Formation & Family Resources
FORMED® is from the Augustine Institute, and is a loaded with videos, talks, teachings, books and various other resources for people of all ages. Our parish subscribes to this service so that families will have access to an abundance of materials that they can utilize from wherever they might find themselves. If you have internet access, you’ll also have access to these great treasures. Simply use our parish name, no access code needed.
FORMED website link
Life Teen
LifeTeen is a Catholic Apostolate which also provides great resources that we utilize in varying degrees in our Youth Ministry here at St. Catherine of Siena. There are many blogs, testimonies and great information geared for young people on the Life Teen website.
Life Teen website link
Parent Life
The Parent Life Website is where you will find incredible content to help you through the very challenging and blessed years of raising teenagers. We hope to serve you by giving you access to ideas, tips, and information on a variety of topics that will bless you, your marriage, and your family.
LTParentLife website link
Ascension Presents
Ascension Presents is full of many great short video teachings and thought provoking topics to help nourish our faith. These videos are great for youth and adults. Check out the site, and even subscribe to get these great videos delivered directly to your inbox.
Ascension Presents website link
Catholic Answers
You’ve got questions, they’ve got answers! This site is for those who may have questions are want clearer explanations into why we do and believe the way we do as Catholics. Check out the forums for questions and answers and also the various books and talks available from world renown Catholic Apologists.
Catholic Answers website link
Vocation Awareness
God has a special plan for each one of us. We need to to take the time to discern His voice in the midst of the loudness of our everyday lives. If you’re possibly feeling that deeper call, have courage to respond! As St. John Paul the Great would often say, “Young people, be not afraid to follow Christ!” This message is repeated often by Pope Francis even today. If you are feeling that call, or even the slightest nudge to look into a lifestyle that’s radically different, yet full of blessing, just say, “Yes” and dive into a life dedicated to Christ in a special way!
Vocation Network website link