Thank you for volunteering to assist the people of St Catherine of Siena Parish as part of our ministry team. Please know that all of us are so grateful for your offer to give of yourself for the greater glory of God! Our Lord commanded us to “Love one another as I have loved you.”, and you are working to meet that challenge.
If there is a questions about which training you are need of please contact Jeanette Page 972-492-3237 x114 or email her at [email protected].

Safe Environment Upcoming Trainings
Please see the bulletin for upcoming dates. You can email Jeanette Page at [email protected] to register or determine which training is required
What is my role in the Protecting God’s Children program?
All adults are protectors of children. That’s why you are a part of this awareness session. As an adult, it is your role in the faith community, to keep your eyes and ears open, and to report any suspicious activity to appropriate authorities and church officials. Read more…
As part of this service, you are asked to complete the Safe Environment Awareness Sessions for the Diocese of Fort Worth, undergo a Background Investigation, and supply 3 personal references. The process is outlined here. You may find more comprehensive information on this program by following the Fort Worth Diocese Safe Environment Home Page link below.
The 1st step is to contact the Ministry Leader of the area in which you wish to volunteer! The Ministry Leaders are:
- Liturgy & Music – Micheal Cervantes, [email protected]
- Children’s Formation, R.C.I.A and Adult Formation – Karen Hines, [email protected]
- Youth Ministry and Youth Formation – Deb Pretzlaff, [email protected]
- Community Life or Outreach Ministries – Rosemary Manganilla, [email protected]
- Preschool and Mother’s Day Out Director – Susan Sasso (employed staff only)
- Other Parish Volunteer Areas – Beverly Dawson, [email protected]
- Safe Environment Training – Jeanette Page, 972-492-3237 ext. 114
At your initial training, you will be asked to complete the following forms: Click to download
The 2nd step is to attend a Safe Environment Training Session. You may register for a session of your choosing by following the Fort Worth Diocese Safe Environment Training Page link below. If you do not already have a Virtus ID/Password, you will have to select the “I Need A Virtus Profile” button. If you already have an ID/Password, you may select the “I Have a Virtus Profile” button. Once you have one, you will then select Register to select a session to attend. This is what that looks like on the site:

The 3rd step is to complete the Core Screening Background Investigation. After you complete the Safe Environment Session, the Core Screening Background Check will be triggered by the parish Safe Environment Coordinator. Core Screening will send you an email with a link in it directing you to their website to authorize the background check. They will also be requesting the information necessary to conduct that background check. Please answer the Core Screening Questionnaire completely.
Once the process has been completed, the parish coordinator will notify the department head/pastoral minister that you have fulfilled all diocesan requirements and are available to volunteer. We welcome you and are look forward to your joining our parish ministries.
Leadership Training for Youth:
Teen Leadership Training Program, required for volunteers ages 11-17, is offered through Jeanette Page, 972-492-3237 ext. 114.