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Contemplative Prayer Group
Drawing its strength from Jesus in the Eucharist, the contemplative prayer group seeks to promote a greater awareness of God. As members of the Mystical Body of Christ, we reach out to all believers to spend more time listening to God. We meet once a month on Sunday afternoons from 2pm – 4pm. We sponsor weekend retreats twice a year at Wellspring Center for Spirituality near Tyler, TX. Contact Mary Lou Seewoester at [email protected].
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
We invite you to join us on Sundays at 3pm in the chapel to pray The Chaplet. Our prayers are for the faithful departed and those who are suffering illnesses or injustices. Contact Bonnie Irvine at (612) 840-3561 or [email protected].
Eucharistic Adoration
Time spent before Our Lord Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. There we can open our souls to Him, tell Him what we need, and beg Him for powerful graces. A commitment to spend one Holy Hour, either weekly or on the first Friday of the month, may be made by an individual group. By being faithful to our Holy Hour and letting nothing interfere with it, we use it as a sign and symbol of our love and dedication to Our Lord Jesus. For more information, contact Micheal Cervantes at [email protected] or 972-492-3237 ext 115.
Friday Night Rosary
Join us for the Rosary every Friday night at 7:30pm. Facilitated by our Women’s group, but all parishoners are welcome! Email Sandy Leners at [email protected] if you would like to join by zoom.