At Mass, children are invited to come forward to attend the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. The children go to the Kiva in the Family Life Building and the scripture is proclaimed to them. This ministry serves children from Kindergarten through the 5th grade by proclaiming God’s Word on a level that they understand and reflect on its meaning in their lives. CLW will be offered at Mass as long as there are enough people to help. Readers, assistants and song leaders are needed. A thirty-minute prep per month is required as well as taking Safe Environment Training. Contact Micheal Cervantes at 972-492-3237 X115 or [email protected].
CLW ministers are asked to serve only once per month. Leaders, assistants, monitors and song leaders are needed. Training is provided.
You may help with CLW at any of the Masses where there is a need, however, you may attend any of the weekend Mass times. You are not required to go to the same Mass where you are helping with CLW.
- An enthusiasm to work with children
- A desire to learn more about Scripture
- One hour per month to prepare with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word team
- Attend the Keeping Children Safe training session once every two years.
For more information, contact Micheal Cervantes, 972.492.3237 ext. 115 or [email protected] for more details.